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Management of RBI review meeting on interest rates

Management of RBI review meeting on interest rates
Management of RBI review meeting on interest rates

RBI steps to increase economic growth

Reducing the report from 4.40% to 4%.

There will be an increase of 90 days for the Maratorium on loans.

The Maratorium extension will be from June 1st to August 31st.

Shaktikant Das said the model would be an extension of the Maratorium as it applies to termlones.

This is the third counteroffice to the RBI governor in the wake of the nationwide lockdown.

Several measures have been announced to strengthen the economy.

This includes a 75 basis point reduction in March and monetary measures worth Rs 5 lakh crore.

In addition, a 3-month moratorium on all-time loan payments between March 1 and May 31 was announced.


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