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AP Teachers Promotions before Dussehra - Preparation of Seniority list - Instructions.

AP Teachers Promotions before Dussehra Rc.No.13021/7/2019-EST 3 Dated:24/09/2021

Sub: School Education - Updation of details of SCTS/ School Assistants and equivalent cadres working in the state in Teacher Information System - Preparation of Seniority list - Instructions - Issued. 


1.This office Procs.Rc.No.13028/9/2021-EST3, dt:26.07.2021 and 19/08/2021. 

2. Request of various teachers associations to the DSE, A.P., on 09-09 2021. 

3.Govt., Memo.No.1506777/A1/General/2021, Dated. 10/09/2021 along with File.No.ESE01-COOROMISC/90/2021-GENRAL.


The attention of all Regional Joint Director of School Educations and District Educational Officers in the state is invited to the reference 1st read above, wherein instructions were issued for preparation of Seniority list of SGTs/ School Assistants and equivalent cadres in their respective districts as per AP State and Subordinate Service Rule, 1996(APSRSR, 1996) for the panel year 2021-22 and to display in their district websites to take up promotions and instructed to complete the said process before 31.08.2021 without fail.

In spite of specific instructions issued, it is observed by the undersigned that most of the District Educational Officers in the state have not updated and displayed the seniority list in their websites as per the instructions issued in reference 1st read above which tends not to take up promotions to the SGTS/ School Assistants and equivalent cadres.

In the reference 2nd and 3rd read above, Govt while forwarding the representations of certain Teacher Unions requesting to take up promotions in the ZPP/ MPUP schools have requested the DSE, AP to examine the issue and to take necessary action as per rules in force.

Therefore, all the Regional Joint Director of School Educations and District Educational Officers in the state are hereby once again instructed to finalize the Seniority list as per Andhra Pradesh State and Sub-ordinate Service Rules, 1996 (APSSSR, 1996) for the panel year 2021-22 duly following the procedure in the reference 1st read above on or before 28.09.2021 so as to take up promotions up to the cadre of Headmaster Grade-II within the management during October, 2021 (before Dussehra).

AP Teachers Promotions before Dussehra - Preparation of Seniority list - Instructions.


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