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Jagananna Gorumudda Mid Day Meal Scheme - Implementation of Swechha Programme Instructions

Jagananna Gorumudda Mid Day Meal Scheme - Implementation of Swechha Programme Instructions.

Jagananna Gorumudda Mid Day Meal Scheme - Implementation of Swechha Programme Instructions.

The Director, Mid Day Meal & School Sanitation, Andhra Pradesh.

Memo No. ESE02-27021/45/2021-MDM-CSE, Dated: 29.09.2021

Sub: School Education- Jagananna Gorumudda (Mid Day Meal) Scheme - Implementation of Swechha Programme Instructions Issued - Regarding.

All RJDs and DEOS are informed that Honourable Chief Minister garu will inaugurate Swechha Program on 5.10.2021 at 11A.M. Through this program, adolescent girls studying in the schools from 7th to 10th class are provided with sanitary napkins at free of cost to create awareness of hygiene and health. District Collectors will attend the HCM program through Video Conference from any of the school in the district.

Hence, RJDs and DEOS are requested

1.To make arrangements for VC in a school for collectors to attend, duly consulting the respective Collectors.

2. To make arrangements in all UP and High Schools for the girls to listen to the address of HCM through video link from IPR/ you tube/ Live TV program for creating awareness.

It is requested to inform all concerned in advance and make necessary arrangements, give wide publicity through media.

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