NISHTHA 3.0 training to teachers and school heads of pre-primary to class V in DIKSHA
Memo No.SS-15023/12/2021 Dated: 29/09/2021
Sub: Samagra Shiksha - SIEMAT -NISHTHA 3.0 (FLN) training to teachers and school heads of pre-primary to class V in DIKSHA- Training to teacher though online schedule communicated.
Ref: D.O.No. 18-16/2020 -IS.14/15 (Part-1) from Department of School Education and Literacy 10-09-2021.
Attention of the District Educational Officers & Ex-officio Project Coordinators, Additional project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha and Principals of DIET in the state are invited to the reference read above and it is informed that NISHTHA 3.0 FLN Online teacher training on DIKSHA will be commenced from 01-10-2021 to 31st March, 2022. The training is mandatory for all the teachers and school heads of pre-primary to class V.
In this regard, the following instructions are to be communicated to teacher concerned and ensure 100% attendance in the training.
a. To download the DIKSHA app from the google play store and has to register with their mobile number
b. After getting registered in the app teachers have to fill their institution details like UDISE, treasury ID and mail ID..
c. The primary teacher who have already registered in the DIKSHA app need not to download and register they can do the course from the same account.
d. The primary teacher who have completed the Primary course NISHTHA 1.0 in DIKSHA platform are also need to complete the NISHTHA 3.0 FLN course.
e. All the anganawadi workers in pre-primary shall follow the above instructions (S.No. 1&2) mandatory as they are new for DIKSHA Training.
In view of the above all the district educational officers are requested to follow the certain guidelines:
a. To Utilize the services of the SRGS of NISHTHA 1.0 for conducting the NISHTHA 3.0 in their respective districts.
b. To conduct the convergence meeting with the officials of Women and Child Welfare Department for ensure 100% training to AW workers. c. To use the service of resource persons from anganawadi workers for monitoring the training to AW Teachers.
d. To nominate the AMO and MIS as nodal officers for coordinating the academic and technical aspects,
e. The state office shall issue time to time latest updates regarding the details of enrolment posters, live telecast, feedback form, attendance link. and dashboard for smooth conduction of the online training programme.
Therefore all the District Educational Officers & Ex-officio Project Coordinators, Additional project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha and Principals of DIET are instructed to disseminate the above information and take all necessary steps for 100% participation of teachers in online training..
This may be treated as priority item of work.
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