AP PRC 2021 Report - AP Pay Revision Commission 2021 Report Highlights
AP PRC 2021 Report - AP Pay Revision Commission 2021 Report Highlights
AP PRC 2021 Report - AP Pay Revision Commission 2021 Report Highlights. AP PRC Recommendations on Fitment. This is based on the JSC Meeting and the abstract copy which is circulating in Social Media. AP PRC 2021 Fitment News. AP PRC Committee has recommended fitment of 27% as per th News Scrolling in social media platforms.
AP PRC 2021 Report - AP Pay Revision Commission 2021 Report Highlights
AP PRC 2021 Report - AP Pay Revision Commission 2021 Report Highlights. AP PRC Recommendations on Fitment. This is based on the JSC Meeting and the abstract copy which is circulating in Social Media. AP PRC 2021 Fitment News. AP PRC Committee has recommended fitment of 27% as per th News Scrolling in social media platforms.
తాజా: పి ఆర్ సి సంక్షిప్త నివేదిక విడుదల
- ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ ప్రభుత్వ ఉద్యోగుల వేతన సవరణ నివేదిక ముఖ్యాంశాలు ఒక పేజీలో ప్రభుత్వం విడుదల చేసింది.
- జాయింట్ స్టాఫ్ కౌన్సిల్ సమావేశంలో వివరాలు అందించింది. పూర్తి నివేదికను మూడు రోజుల్లో ప్రభుత్వం వెల్లడించనుంది.
- ఈ నివేదిక లో ఫిట్మెంట్ తేల్చేందుకు ఉద్దేశించిన ఫార్ములా ప్రకారం 23 శాతమే ఫిట్మెంట్ లెక్క తేలిందని కమిషన్ పేర్కొంది.
- ఇప్పటికే ప్రభుత్వం 27 శాతం ఐఆర్ ఇస్తున్నందున తదనుగుణంగా వేతన కమిషన్ ప్రభుత్వ సూచనతో సర్దుబాటు చేసిందని పేర్కొంది.
- మరో మూడు పాయింట్లు ఆధారంగా ఫిట్మెంట్ 27 శాతం వరకు అమలు చేయవచ్చని సూచించింది.
- ఇందుకు సంబంధించి ఈ శాతాన్ని ఎలా సాధించిందో కొన్ని నిబంధనలు వేతన సవరణ కమిషన్ పేర్కొంది.
- 1. The increase in Basic Pay at the minimum level should be such as to fully compensate for the rise in prices of the essential items of human consumption.
- 2. It should also accommodate certain new items of expenditure which have to be incurred for a decent and dignified living in a modern civilised society.
- 3. The quantum of rise in wages in percentage terms should be uniform across all segments of employees in the interest of fairness and equity
- 4. The fitment benefit should be allowed so as to bridge the gap between the increase in Minimum Pay, as determined based on the ILC norms, on 01-07-2018, over that lived as on the date of implementation of the last RPS (e. 01-07-2013) less the neutralization of inflationary impact on prices of essential items or consumption effected through the merger of Dearness Allowance with Basic Pay Based on this principle, In the present case the fitment works out to 23%.
- 5. However, pending receipt of Report of this Commission, on the request of the service associations the State Government has already approved an Interim Reliel @ 27% of Basic Pay with monetary benefit from 01-07-2019 vide G.O.Ms. No.60 Finance (PC & TA) Department dated 06 07-2019. Government has further ordered that the Interim Relief shall be adjusted against any benefit that may accrue to the employees on account of revision of scales of pay and other allowances as a result of Government's decision on the Report of the Pay Revision Commission. Based on the above, the Commission recommends the following formula for pay fixation in the revised scales:
- a) The existing Basic Pay in the pre-revised scales may be taken into account;
- b) Dearness Allowance admissible as on 01.07.2018 (as per AICPIN figures) may be calculated @ 30.392% on (a) above;
- c) A fitment benefit of 27% of (a) above may be arrived at;
- d) The revised basic pay in the new pay scale applicable to the post shall be fixed at the stage next above the figure arrived at after adding (a), (b) and (c) above or alternatively by multiplying the figure at (a) above by a fitment factor of 1.57392;
- e) If an employee's pay, when fixed as above, falls short of the minimum in the relevant revised pay scale, it shall be fixed at the minimum of the scale.
- f) If the amount so fixed exceeds the maximum of the appropriate revised scale, the difference shall be treated as personal pay and should be absorbed in future pay increases or in stagnation increments (maximum five) sanctioned, if any.
- 7. The Commission recommends that the pay fixation in the revised pay scales take effect from 01.07.2018. The Commission however deems it appropriate to leave the decision, regarding the date from which monetary benefit of such fitment should be given to the Government depending on its resources position.
State Government has approved an Interim Relief @ 27% of Basic Pay with monetary benefit from 01-07-2019 vide G.O.Ms. No.60 Finance (PC & TA) Department dated 06-07-2019. Expenditure on IR till now is estimated at Rs.16,281 cr as shown below.
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