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Transfer of PPOs from one Treasury office to another Instructions- Issued Cir.Memo.No.D4/1455941 Dt:27.10.21

 Transfer of PPOs from one Treasury office to another Instructions- Issued Cir.Memo.No.D4/1455941 Dt:27.10.21

Sub: P.S- T&A Dept- Pensions Transfer of PPOs from one Treasury office to another Instructions- Issued.

PPOs from one Treasury office to another Treasury:


This office Cir.Memo.No.FIN02-14035/1/2018-D SEC-DTA(Comp.No.631531) dtd.03.01.2019 and subsequent instructions in the part of implementation of HCM phase-Il(pension package)

Attention of all the Deputy Directors of District Treasuries in the state and ATO, CRT, Ibrahimpatnam is invited to the subject and reference cited. They are informed that, it has come to the notice of the undersigned that the PPOS are not being transferred from one Treasury office to another, thereby the pensioners are suffering a lot.

In view of the above, all the Deputy Directors of District Treasuries in the state and ATO, CRT, Ibrahimpatnam are requested to transfer the PPOs as per the willingness of the pensioner, except modification of bank accounts till the D.R arrears bills /any other arrear bills are paid, in respect of the person who is intended to transfer the PPO.

They are also informed that, while transferring PPOs they are requested to follow the other instructions issued on this subject previously.

Pension Transfer Application form


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