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Failed partial withdrawal from PRAN Account through Penny Drop Verification - Action to be taken - Instructions

 NATIONAL PENSION SYSTEM - Failed partial withdrawal from PRAN Account through Penny Drop Verification - Action to be taken - Instructions - issued - Reg

Failed partial withdrawal from PRAN Account through Penny Drop Verification - Action to be taken - Instructions

Memo No. F2/3058/2013 Dated: 16/11/2021


  • 1. Mail received from Staff of Joint Director of Agriculture Dept., Vizianagaram.
  • 2. Cir. Memo No. F2/3058/2013-F SEC-DTA, DE:29/10/2018
  • 3. Cir. Memo No. F2/3058/2013-F SEC-DTA, DE 19/07/2021.
  • 4. Cir. Memo No. F2/3058/2013 F SEC-DTA, DE: 14/09/2021

Attention of the Deputy Director. District Treasury, Vizianagaram is drawn to the subject cited. He is informed that, an email was received from the staff of O/o Joint Director of Agriculture, Vizianagaram requesting for issue of directions for processing Partial Withdrawal request from PRAN Account where Partial Withdrawal request done by the respective employee/subscriber was failed while processing partial withdrawal request in their logins through Penny Drop Verification.

In this connection, it is to inform that, as per the guidelines issued by CRA-NSDL where Penny Drop verification is unsuccessful. then the subscriber has to: 

  • 1. Address the Nodal Office i.e Treasury Office/PAO, submitting physical documents to update subscriber details of in PRAN Account for re-initiating Partial Withdrawal request by the subscriber himself through Penny Drop Verification.
  • (or) 2. Address the Nodal Office i.e Treasury Office/PAO for processing partial withdrawal request by the Treasury Officer/PAO in Logins provided to TOs/PAOs in NSDL-CRA System as per the existing procedure through Maker and Checker Logins.
  • It is also to inform that, if the employee/subscriber submits physical document to Treasury Office/PAO for partial withdrawal, then Treasury Officer/PAD has to initiate the request through existing procedure
  • Hence, the Deputy Director, District Treasury, Vizianagaran is hereby requested to take necessary action for resolving the issue.

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