School Education - APES - Sending of FAC proposals to the vacant posts of DyEOs in the Districts - Certain Instructions issued - Kept Abeyance - Reg.
School Education - APES - Sending of FAC proposals to the vacant posts of DyEOs in the Districts - Certain Instructions issued - Kept Abeyance - Reg.
Proc. Rc. No.ESE02-12/35/2021-EST2-CSE Dated: 02/11/2021
1. Adverse New items published in certain daily newspapers on making In-charge / FAC Arrangements to the posts of the Dy.E.Os.
2. Cir. Memo No. 892-7/044/450/FR.II/A2/92 of Fin & Plg. Dept. Dated: 6-4-1985
3. This office Proc. Rc. No. ESE02-12/35/2021-EST2-CSE dated:29-10-2021
The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District Educational Officers in the State is invited to the references read above, and they are informed that the orders issued in the ref. 3rd read above are hereby kept in abeyance until further order in the matter.
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