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AP - Modification of SSC public examinations 2022

 AP - Modification of SSC public examinations 2022.

AP - Modification of SSC public examinations 2022

 School Education - Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation pattern of examination system - Modifications In SSC Public Examinations, 2022 to reduce the strain caused to the students due to COVID-19 pandemic - Amendment - Orders - Issued.

G.O.Ms.No.79                                             Dated: 17.12.2021.

Read the following:

1. G.O.Ms.No.82, SE(Prog.II) Dept., dated: 29.10.2015.

2. G.O.Ms.No.41, SE(Prog.II) Dept., dated: 07.06.2016.


3. G.O.Ms.No.80, SE(Prog.II) Dept., dated: 25.10.2017.


4. G.O.Ms.No.62, SE(Prog.11) Dept., dated: 18.09.2018.

5. G.O.Ms.No.41, SE(Prog.II) Dept., dated: 28.06.2019.

6. G.O.Ms.No.69, SE(Prog.II) Dept., dated:15.10.2019.

7. G.O.Ms.No.3, SE(prog.II) Dept., dated:09.01.2021.

8. G.O.Ms.No.30,SE(Prog.II) Dept., dated: 12.06.2020.

9. G.O.Ms.No.8, SE(prog.II) Dept., dated:12.02.2021.

10. From the DSE, AP, Rc.No.151/A&I/2020, dt: 22.11.2021.

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