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Half Day School Time Table of Primary and Upper Primary And High Schools in Rural and Urban of AP state.

 Half Day School Time Table of Primary and Upper Primary And High Schools in Rural and Urban of AP state.

FIRST BELL 7.45 am

PRAYER 7.50-8.00

● 1St Period:8-00 to 8.40

● 2nd Period:8-40 to9.20

● 3rd Period:9.20 to10.00

●~INTERVAL~10.00 to 10.20

● 4th Period:10.20 to 11.00

● 5th Period:11.00 to11.40

● 6th Period:11.40 to12.30 Pm.

Primary School-Half Day School Time Table in AP - Rural / Urban.
Half Day School Time Table of Primary and Upper Primary And High Schools in Rural and Urban of AP state.
 High school (HS) / Upper Primary School (UPS) -Half Day School Time Table in AP
Half Day School Time Table of Primary and Upper Primary And High Schools in Rural and Urban of AP state.


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