AP English Subject, TOEFL Exam Paper Pattern for Formative and Summative Assessments 2023-2024
AP English Subject, TOEFL Exam Paper Pattern for Formative and Summative Assessments 2023-2024 TOEFL Modification of the pattern of English Subject Paper for Formative and Summative assessment exams, for 3rd to 9th classes- Preparation for TOEFL Exam Certain instructions.
School Education TOEFL Modification of the pattern of English Subject Paper for Formative and Summative assessment exams, for 3rd to 9th classes- Preparation for TOEFL Exam Certain instructions - Reg Memo.No.2112310/Prog.II/A1/2023 Dated: 04.07.2023
Ref: G.O.Ms.No.57 School Education (Prog.II) Department dt.21.06.2023.
Attention of the Commissioner of School Education and Director, SCERT is invited to the reference cited and are informed that Government has entered into an agreement with ETS (Education Testing Services) for TOEFL Certification. The main TOEFL exam will be conducted in classes 5th & 9th, whereas the classes 3rd, 4th, and 6th, 7th, 8th will have Readiness tests, where the students are given training for the preparation of the TOEFL final examination.
They are further informed that there is a need to focus on the preparation of students for TOEFL, along with the regular subjects and curriculum the State Government's curriculum, currently, there are 4 Formative Assessments and 2 Summative Assessments for all the classes from 3rd to 9th for all subjects, including English subject.
To ensure that the students prepare well for exams and tests it is decided that the English test shall have 2 sections as follow:-
Section A - Assessment of understanding of the students covering the course related to the textbook syllabus of the English subject
Section B - Assessment for TOEFL preparation
The Director SCERT shall consult the experts in the domain and decide the pattern, number of questions and duration of the examination He shall also enquire about the requirement of the break between the 2 sections of the English subject exam.
This order come into effect immediately and the English subject Formative Assessment 1 exam, which will happen in the 1st week of August shall have 2 sections.
In the month of July 2023 itself students may be sensitized about the format of the examinations by the teachers.
The Commissioner School Education and Director SCERT shall take necessary action accordingly, in the matter.
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