COVID-19: Compassinate Appointments Guidelines GO.Rt.1473 Dt.26.07.2023 Released.
COVID-19: Compassinate Appointments Guidelines GO.Rt.1473 Dt.26.07.2023 Released.
Special dispensation for providing compassionate employment to the eligible dependents of deceased Government employees who succumbed to Covid-19 while in harness, in the Village and ward Secretariats- Orders issued.
Read the following
1. G.O.Ms.No.687, General Administration (Ser.A) Dept., Dated: 3rd October, 1977.
2. Memo.No.618/Ser.A/78-11, G.A.D., dated: 17th December, 1979.
3. Memo.No.1083/Ser.A/80-11, General Administration (Ser.A) Department, dated 1st August, 1980.
4. Memo No.1879/Ser.A/80-1, General Administration (Ser.A) Dept., Dt.1 December, 1980.
5. Cir Memo No.1512950/Ser.A/2021, Dt.21.10.2021.
6. U.O. Note No.1249673/PC-TA/2020-3, Dt.09.01.2022.
7. G.O.Rt. No.91, G.A.(Ser.A) Dept., Dt.18.01.2022.
8. From the Addl. Secretary to CM Note dt.25.8.2021 together with the representation of the JAC of employees, Teachers, Workers and Retired employees Association, A.P. addressed to Hon'ble C.M., Govt., of A.P. dt.25.08.2021.
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