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School Assembly Daily News and Activities

 School Assembly Daily News and Activities 11.09.2023. 

School Assembly Daily News and Activities

AP School Assembly Daily News, Activates 11-09-2023 in Telugu, in English Today's Special, Daily International News, National News, State News, Sports News, District News School Assembly Dailly Proverb, Poem, School Assembly G. K Question.

AP School Assembly Daily News, Activates School Assembly 11-09-2023

Today News

No relief for Chandrababu Naidu as court orders 14-day judicial remand

This year's summit proved G-20 can still drive solutions to its most pressing issues: Biden

As G-20 plans crypto regulatory framework, India may shelve plan for outright ban

In Manipur, Army and paramilitary forces face a constant challenge — armed men in police uniforms

Manipur violence - Magistrates appointed to record statements in CBI cases

Supreme Court to hear petitions challenging sedition law on September 12

Ukraine not a ‘wedge issue’ between West and Global South at G-20, says Biden

Telangana extends tenure of SEC Parthasarathi by one year

Telangana govt. to celebrate Sept.17 as national integration day

Heavy rain likely over coastal Andhra Pradesh during the next two days

ANDHRA PRADESH: TDP calls for State bandh on Monday

ANDHRA PRADESH: Plan to make Guntur market yard Asia’s largest energy-efficient chilli trading hub

G20 Declaration: Members commit to inclusive, equitable, quality education

CBSE Board Exams 2024: Registration for private students to begin on September 12

U.S. Open 2023 Final - Novak Djokovic downs Daniil Medvedev to win record-tying 24th Slam

Asia Cup 2023, IND vs Pak - Rohit, Gill dazzle before rain arrives; game to continue on September 11

Proverb/ Motivation

Love Your Life. You've been blessed with an amazing gift LIFE and the amazing presence of beautiful people in it. Be grateful for what you have, Appreciate what you receive, Need what you want, Give without expectations. Never take it for granted, what comes around, goes around.

నేటి ఆణిముత్యం

ముష్ఠి వేపచెట్టు మొదలుగా బ్రజలకు

పరగ మూలికలకు బనికివచ్చు

నిర్దయుండు ఖలుడు నీచుడెందులకగు?

విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ!

తాత్పర్యము: ఏక్కడో చెత్త మరియు అపరిశుభ్రమైన స్థలంలో పెరిగే వేప చెట్టూకూడ మూలికావైద్యానికి పనికి వస్తుంది. కాని ఏ మాత్రం మనసు కరగని నిర్దయుడు, ఎవరి మాట వినని మూర్ఖుడు ఎందుకు ఉపయోగపడరు. కాబట్టి ఇటువంటి వారితో స్నేహాన్ని త్యజించడం మేలు. మనము ఆపదలో ఉన్నప్పుడు ఆదుకునేది స్నేహితులే కదా!

Today's GK

Q: Why UV radiation is higher in summer?

A. The Sun is closer to planet earth so UV rays have a shorter distance to travel to reach us.


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