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Model Code of Conduct-2024 MDM Instructions Mid Day Meal Procurement and supply

 Model Code of Conduct-2024 MDM Instructions Mid Day Meal Procurement and supply of Eggs and Peanut-Jaggery Chikki to all schools Release of Compendium of instructions on Model Code of Conduct-2024 by the Election Commission of India

Model Code of Conduct-2024 MDM Instructions Mid Day Meal Procurement and supply

SE Dept., Gorumudda (Mid Day Meal) Procurement and supply of Eggs and Peanut-Jaggery Chikki to all schools Release of Compendium of instructions on Model Code of Conduct-2024 by the Election Commission of India, New Delhi Certain instructions- Issued - Reg  Rc.No.1475469/MDM & SS/2022  Dated:- 17.03.2004


1. Work orders issued to the existing (26) Egg suppliers

2. Work orders issued to the existing (6) Peanut-Jaggery Chikki.

All the District Educational officers in the State are hereby informed that the Election Commission of India, New Delhi have released the Compendium of instructions on Model Code of Conduct-2024 on 16.03.2024 wherein it is mentioned at point no. 4 of INSTRUCTION Sl. No. 6as follows:-

Photograph of political functionary at official website- ECI instruction contained in letter No.437/6/INST/2014-CC&BE dated 20th March, 2014 provides that all references of Ministers, Politicians or political parties available on Central/State Government's official website, shall be removed. The CEOs have to take immediate action to remove/hide the photographs of any political functionary from official websites of State Department.

Therefore, the following instructions to be followed scrupulously till the MCC-2024:-

To take EGGs without any stamp on the EGGS; only colour code of particular phase may be accepted.

 As such Chikki's are already distributed, chikkis to be distributed to Children without wrapper. 

The removed Chikki wrappers to be gathered and shall be made adopted safe disposal mechanism so as not to deviate MCC-2024 instructions.

Also instructed to make safe disposal mechanism of Rice bags, Ragi & Jaggery powders covers.

Any deviation of above instructions Head Masters/ Principals of concerned schools are held responsible for deviating MCC-2024 instructions.

In view of the above, all the District Educational officers in the State are hereby requested to issue necessary instructions to all HMs/ Principals/ Dy. DEOS/ MEOs and all field functionaries to follow above instructions without fail.

Any deviation in the above instructions, the District Educational Officers, Mandal Educational officers and Head Masters/ Principalsin the State are held responsible for not following MCC-2024 and also action shall be initiated as per CCA rules and norms.

Top priority should be given to this item of work.

The receipt of this order will be acknowledged.



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