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MDM Implementation Instructions 2024-25 PM POSHAN -Mid Day Meal Implementation of Scheme after re-opening of Schools by 13th June 2024 - Certain Instructions Issued

 SE Dept., - PM POSHAN - Gorumudda (Mid Day Meal) - Implementation of Scheme after re-opening of Schools by 13th June - 2024 - Certain Instructions - Issued - Reg  Lr.Rc.No.1773281/MDM & SS/2024, dt. 11/06/2024


1. Work orders issued to the existing suppliers vide this office - Procs.Rc.No,27021/85/2021-MDM-CSE-107 to 132, dt.25.07.2023.

2.Work orders issued to the existing suppliers vide this office Rc.No,1475469/MDM & SS/2022-1 to 6, dt.31.01.2024.

3. Rice Indent placed to Civil Supplies Dept.

4. Indent of Ragi & Jaggery placed to Sri Satya Sai Central Trust,

5. CSE Procs.Rc.No.ESE02-30027/2/2023-A&I-CSE, dt.02.04.2024.

6. CSE Memo. No. Spl /A&I/2024-CSE, dt.10.06.2024.

As aware that the Summer holidays are from 24.04.2024 to 11.06.2024 and the Schools will be re-opened on 13-06-2024 (Thursday) for the academic year 2024-25 as per the orders reference 6th cited.

Therefore, all the District Educational officers in the State are hereby requested to ensure the following by 13TH JUNE-2024:-

1.Revised menu be implemented and be cooked in hygienic conditions as per SOP instructions issued time-to-time.

2.Indents (online) placed for supply of Eggs shall be reached to all Schools of Gorumudda (MDM) under their control in the supply schedule mentioned below

3.Indents (online) placed for supply of Chikkis shall be reached to all Schools of Gorumudda (MDM) under their control once in a fortnight (15 days).

4.Indent placed for Food Grains(Rice) and Ragi & Jaggery powders also be available at school points from the day of re-opening of the

5.Also requested to complete the entries of receipt confirmation, as and when the supplies completed and not while submission of monthly bills. Timely entries in IMMS APP after receiving the stocks by the HMs to be encouraged.

6.School Toilets in good hygienic conditions to be ensured and ready to use.

7.Updation of necessary entries by the HM related to MDM & TMF Schemes in IMMS App to be encouraged.

Therefore, all the District Educational officers in the State are hereby requested to take all necessary steps for smooth implementation of PM POSHAN-Gorumudda (Mid Day Meal) Scheme in the State from the day of re-opening of the schools FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 2024-25.

The receipt of this order will be acknowledged.



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