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LIP Learning Improvement Program Base Line Test Instruction

 LIP Learning Improvement Program Base Line Test Instruction. 

LIP Learning Improvement Program Base Line Test Instruction

Samagra Shiksha AP Quality Initiatives Conduct of Learning implement Program the base line Test in the last week of September, 2024 ie, 27 or 28th September 2024 Submitted Regarding.

Read: Mail dated: 02.09.2024 from CIPS(Center for Innovations In Public System

The District Educational Officers of 10 LIP districts (Srikakulam, Visakhapatnam, Anakapalli, ASR, Vizianagaram, Parvathipuram Manyam, YSR Kadapa, Annamayya, Sri Satya Sai districts) are informed to implement the learning Improvement Program (LIP) in Upper Primary and High Schools for classes VI, VII and VIII in the 10 districts of the academic year of 2024-25 and conduct of baseline test on LIP competencies that as per the activities of the Learning Implement Program the base line Test needs to be conducted in the last week of September, 2024 ie, 27 or 28th September 2024.

The subject wise Base Line Test papers are enclosed along with a format to record the subject wise progress into e-Lakshya app and upload. The teachers must conduct Baseline test based on the Test papers from state level and record the progress and submit class wise children progress abstract to the Headmasters in the given proforma (enclosed). The headmaster must upload the subject wise and class wise children progress in the given format into the e-Lakshya app. This will be the basis for the Further review with the DEOS, DIET staff and MEOS Based on these necessary actions can be taken for the effective implementation of LIP.

The District Educational Officers of the 10 LIP districts are requested to Conduct of Learning implement Program (LIP) Base Line Test in the last week of September, 2024 ie, 27 or 28th September 2024.

Encl: As above.



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