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School Education-Supporting Andhra’s Learning Transformation (SALT) Programme-Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (ECCE) – 120-day certifcate course

 School Education-Supporting Andhra’s Learning Transformation (SALT) Programme-Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (ECCE) – 120-day certifcate course – Conduct of Refresher Training for 4000 DRPs (Secondary Grade Teachers, CDPOs and Supervisors) for 3 days in Non-Residential mode from 19-12- 2024 to 21-12-2024 (For Three Days) – Instructions issued – Reg

School Education-Supporting Andhra’s Learning Transformation (SALT) Programme-Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (ECCE) – 120-day certifcate course


NEP-2020, NIPUN Bharat guidelines and NCF FS-2022

MoU signed with ASER (Pratham) by Government of Andhra Pradesh, dated 17-08-2022

Proceedings Rc. No:SS-15023/45/2024-SAMO-SSA Dated: 18-11-2024 of the State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha AP

All the District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are informed that the State government is prioritizing foundational literacy and numeracy aligning with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 and other key frameworks. This focus on early childhood care and education (ECCE) is crucial for ensuring that children develop essential skills at a young age.

As part of the SALT Project, Pratham is providing technical support to Samagra Shiksha State Implementation Society, GoAP for Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) to improve foundational learning of children aged 3 to 8 years. Pratham is implementing the SALT program through localized, state context aligned activities and innovations for improving the quality of education in Anganwadi, Grade1 and 2 in preschools and primary schools across the state. This is being done in part, through (i) development of a transformational roadmap for the early childhood education and foundational learning continuum, (ii) building the capacities of Anganwadi workers, preparatory class teachers and early grade teachers, and (iii) developing model Anganwadi Centres and primary school across all districts of the state. Project will be implemented by the Department of School Education (DoSE), Women Development and Chile Welfare GoAP and state-level administrative units including the SCERT, SIEMAT, SAMO and local network of DIETs and ICDS Departments at District Level.

Accordingly, a comprehensive refresher training initiative is take-up by the department of school education and department of women development and child welfare to refresh their course to train the 4000 DRPs at district level to initiate the ground level 120-day certification course (Gnana Jyothi) trainings for year 1 for 55607 Anganwadi workers. This will take place over three days in a non-residential mode, at all the district headquarters from 19.12.2024 to 21.12.2024 for 3 days and Anganwadi workers trainings will be continued after successful completion of 120-day certification course DRPs refresher training to initiate the ground level training for 55607 Anganwadi workers on 120-day certification course (Gnana Jyothi) across the state. In this regard, All the Regional Joint Directors, District Educational Officers and Additional Project Directors are instructed to issue the necessary proceedings and instruct the MEOs to depute the KRPs and DRPs and relieve them for the above said trainings for successful completion of the DRPs refresher training.

The vendor details also have mentioned in the below tabular format who will be providing the working lunch and two times snacks for the participants for 3 days and AMOs and In charge MEOs may be coordinated with the vendor for conducting the 120-day certificate course for 4000 DRPs refresher training in 30 venues.

Timetable for 120-day certificate course DRPs refresher training for 3 days in Non-Residential

Duration Activity

8.30 to 9.00 am Attendance (FRAS) and Pre – test

9.00 to 10.45 am Session

10.45 to 11.00 am Break

11.00 to 1.00 pm Session

1.00 to 1.45 pm Lunch break

1.45 to 2.00 pm Attendance (FRAS)

2.00 to 3.45 pm Session

3.45 to 4.00 pm Break

4.00 to 5.00 pm Session

5.00 to 5.30 pm Presentation of best practices by particDownload

After 5.30 pm Attendance (FRAS)


KRPs , DRPs and Venues list Download


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