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Health, Medical & Family Welfare Department- COVID-19 Sanction of an amount of Rs.15,000/- towards funeral charges for the death of every COVID patient and an amount of Rs.5000/- to the Plasma donors for Nutritional Supplement charges-Accorded-Orders-Issued.

Health, Medical & Family Welfare Department- COVID-19 Sanction of an amount of Rs.15,000/- towards funeral charges for the death of every COVID patient and an amount of Rs.5000/- to the Plasma donors for Nutritional Supplement charges-Accorded-Orders-Issued.

Health, Medical & Family Welfare Department- COVID-19 Sanction of an amount of Rs.15,000/- towards funeral charges for the death of every COVID patient and an amount of Rs.5000/- to the Plasma donors for Nutritional Supplement charges-Accorded-Orders-Issued.


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