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Foundational Learning Study One day work Shop.

Foundational Learning Study One day work Shop List of Teachers Identified workshop on post foundational study intervention .

Foundational Learning Study One day work Shop.

School Education SCERT AP - FLS - One day work S - District level - Instructions issued Req -Reg Procs. Rc.No.ESE02/158/2023-SCERT Dated:06/02/2023.

Ref: F.No. 1-26/NAS Cell/FL5/158/2022-23 Dated01.02.2023

All the Regional Joint Directors and District Educational Officers in the state are aware that NCERT has conducted a Foundational Learning Study across the country from March 23rd to March 26th, 2022, to know the health of foundational learning and measures to improve FLN.

Subsequently, the national and state level report cards were released on September 6, 2022, and the regional level workshops on post foundational study intervention were conducted on November 17 and 18, 2022.

Now, following the successful dissemination of FLS results at the regional level, NCERT is proposing post-FLS workshops intervention planning at the district level in collaboration with UNICEF in all states, with the agenda to identify, set, and implement strategies to improve learners' levels in accordance with the NIPUN bharat lakshyas. In this connection, Andhra Pradesh is requested to conduct the workshop on February 8, 2023.

Hence, keeping in mind the importance of post interventions on FLN, it is decided to conduct the workshop on post foundational study intervention on February 8 at O/o SCERT.

Therefore, all the District Educational Officers in the state are requested to relieve the identified teachers to attend the one-day workshop on February 8,2023, at O/O SCERT AP.

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