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NPS CPS Nominee, Mobile No, Email Id, Bank Details

 NPS CPS Nominee, Mobile No, Email Id, Bank Details Updation Various issues pending for Settlement - Nominee, Mobile No, Email Id, Bank Details of subscribers of contributory pension scheme .

T&A Dept.-DIA- Contributory Pension Scheme - Various issues pending for Settlement - Nominee, Mobile No, Email Id, Bank Details of subscribers of contributory pension scheme - Reg.  Cir.Memo.No. FINO2-16013,1/13/2020-F SEC-DTA th:03/07/2023


Ref:- This office Memo in Even No. dt:16.06.2023.


Personal attention of all DTAOs, ATOs & STOs in the state is drawn to the subject and reference cited. It is to inform that, vide reference cited above, this office have instructed to update Nominee, Mobile No, Email Id and Bank Details of subscribers of contributory pension scheme.


In the review meeting of CPS held on 28.06.2023, the Spl. CS Finance have ordered to update all the respective details of PRAN Accounts mentioned above immediately. For completing this task, respective Treasury Officers shall take necessary action to communicate these instructions to all the Divisional Sub Treasuries / Sub Treasuries / Drawing and Disbursing Officers under their jurisdiction by prominently displaying in their Notice Board as well as by way of any other possible communication, as a detailed district wise/sub treasury wise report will be submitted to the Spl. CS in next review meeting.


In this regard a daily consolidated report has to furnished by respective DTAO on the issues settled and pending until the issue become ZERO.


Hence, all the DTAOs in the state are instructed to settle these issues on war foot basis by 07.07.2023.

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