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Live Discussion: Principal Secretary Sir’s Insights on Nellore District Visit - YOUTUBE LIVE

Live Discussion: Principal Secretary Sir’s Insights on Nellore District Visit - YOUTUBE LIVE

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Join us for a special YouTube live stream on 20-11-2023 at 7 PM, where we bring together key figures in Andhra Pradesh's school education system. In this exclusive discussion, our Principal Secretary will share his firsthand experience and findings from Saturday's visit to Nellore District. This engaging session will feature insightful conversations with DEOs, R.J.Ds, Deputy D.E.Os, and M.E.Os, shedding light on the critical aspects of the educational landscape in Nellore District. All stakeholders in Andhra Pradesh's school education are cordially invited to attend this program. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and contribute to the dialogue shaping the future of education in our state. Save the date and join us live for an enriching discussion that impacts the educational journey of our students and the entire community. Your participation is crucial in building a brighter future for Andhra Pradesh's school education system.

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