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Google Read along - Read Along App Download - May -2022 Schedule Story Links

 Google read along app download Google read along app online read along online Partner Codes  How to use google bolo app read along app download Links  read along app download class 1-8 Telugu and Englsih Story Links read along app download apk read along bolo app May 2022 Schedule.

Google Read along - Read Along App Download - May -2022 Schedule Story Links.

Google read along app download Google read along app online read along online Partner Codes  How to use google bolo app read along app download Links  read along app download class 1-8 Telugu and Englsih Story Links read along app download apk read along bolo app May 2022 Schedule:

The government of Andhra Pradesh partnered with Google to improve students' reading fluency in Telugu and English by using Read Along App

Through this app, teachers and parents can monitor and track the progress of their children and support their improvement in reading.

 download the app  Clickhere

To get this app on your mobile phone and betterunderstand its use please watch the videos And Partner Codes - How to use partner code

All District Partner Codes

Download Read along App

Google Read Along Links: Classes 1-8 Telugu Stories - May 2022

S L NODate  Classes 1-8 Links for Telugu Stories 
120.05.2022Story 1
221.05.2022Story 2
322.05.2022Story 3
423.05.2022Story 4
524.05.2022Story 5
525.05.2022Story 6
726.05.2022Story 7
827.05.2022Story 8
928.05.2022Story 9
1029.05.2022Story 10
1130.05.2022Story 11
1231.05.2022Story 12

Google Read Along -Links Class 1-8 English Stories -May 2022

Date Class 1Class 2Class 3Class 4Class 5Class 6-8
20-05-2022Story 1Story 1Story 1Story 1Story 1Story 1
21-05-2022Story 2 Story 3Story 2Story 2Story 2Story 2Story 2
22-05-2022Story 4Story 3Story 3Story 3Story 3Story 3
23-05-2022Story 4Story 4Story 4Story 4Story 4Story 4
24-05-2022Story 5Story 5Story 5Story 5Story 5Story 5
25-05-2022Story 6Story 6Story 6Story 6Story 6Story 6
26-05-2022Story 7Story 7Story 7Story 7Story 7Story 7
27-05-200Story 8Story 8Story 8Story 8Story 8Story 8
28-05-2022Story 9Story 9Story 9Story 9Story 9Story 9
29-05-2022Story 10Story 10Story 10Story 10Story 10Story 10
30-05-2022Story 11Story 11Story 11Story 11Story 11Story 11
31-05-2022Story 12Story 12Story 12Story 12Story 12Story 12

All District Partner Codes

Download Read along App


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